Monday, December 16, 2013

2 AM December 17th

Sleep eludes me tonight, so I thought I would update the blog for a change. My birthday was on Saturday, and although we had plans to go away (which we haven't done in 6 years now), the weather was bad and we decided against it. Linda canceled her party on Friday night, and it was just too snowy and frigid on Saturday night to make the trip to West Seneca for the Geocaching Holiday Party. So we stayed home. Aeddon spent the night Friday, after John picked him up from the Senior Council trip to see the Grinch at 11:30, and Adrienne came over on Saturday morning to take me to breakfast for my birthday. I suggested we eat in, so we did and the 4 of us played cards afterwards. Then later in the afternoon, Brandon came over and the 3 of us played Cutthroat - I won - imagine that! Finally, in the evening, we decided to go to Lynn and Gail's to play cards yet again.