Monday, February 17, 2020

Dole Plantation

The next day we went to the Dole Plantation.
We took a train tour, saw the garden, walked the maze, before going into the store and buying some chocolate covered pineapple candy. Then we went over to Matt and Niah's to visit them (and of course, Waffles!).

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Another crossroad

Well, fifteen years after Matt first moved to Hawai'i, bad parents Kim and John have hopped a plane (or two) and made their way here. And the flying part wasn't bad, but the expense - wow! But totally worth it, to see my baby and his baby!

Baby Waffles, or August Gloria Huaka'i Myers waited until we arrived to be born, so we were there for the birth. Well, in the hospital there, not there - there. We got to hold her when she was just new.

We have been here almost a week now, last night, Corey, Jess and Brandon arrived, as well. We've walked to the Great Harvest Bread Company the first day, and then got a car the next day. we went to Koko Crater Botanical Gardens.

Between visits to Matt and Niah and Waffles, we visited the Dole Plantation where we took the train, saw the garden, and did the maze.