Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Explore TN Tuesday - Harriman and Rockwood 8/6/2019

Today we explored Roane County, TN, specifically the downtown areas of Harriman and Rockwood. They were filled quaint stores such as the Tattered Peacock or You Say Tomato!
And of course, Explore TN Tuesday has to end with a stop for ice cream - this time at the 1890's Live and Let Live Drug Store with their old fashioned soda fountain and delicious Mayfield Ice Cream. . And while we were there, I even learned why prescriptions were written in Latin.
We stopped and got our fishing licenses on the way home, so look for some "fish stories" in the future.

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat

We recently won tickets from the Art Circle Public Library to see Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and went on Sunday, August 3rd. We had seen it in Ithaca, NY in 2002, but I don't remember Elvis being part of that show. We had seats 2 rows from the front, the cast was very interactive with the audience. The actor who played Joseph was great, it was his first season with the playhouse, having come from Buffalo!

We had an amazing time and look forward to getting season tickets next year. In the meantime, there are still such productions as Young Frankenstein and Baskerville yet to see.