Wednesday, March 31, 2021

A Summons to Memphis by Peter Taylor

Why do I do this to myself? This year, I've been trying to expand my reading horizons, and have ended up reading a lot of literary fiction and non-fiction. Try as I might, I don't enjoy literary fiction. Case in point below.

A Summons to MemphisA Summons to Memphis by Peter Taylor
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

2.0/5.0 - I don't know what to say about this. It must have been a great book, it won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction (1987), Los Angeles Times Book Prize Nominee for Fiction (1987), National Book Critics Circle Award Nominee for Fiction (1986), and National Book Award Finalist for Fiction (1987). It just wasn't for me.
The narrator, Phillip Carver, reminisces throughout the book about how moving from Nashville to Memphis at a tender age ruined his life, as well as his mother and his siblings'. Then, to add insult to injury, the father chases off both his sisters' and his true loves, so none of them ever marry. The third sibling escapes the family by going off to war (WWII) where he is killed. No one lives happily ever after, and in his old age, the father receives his comeuppance when the sisters chase off a young woman he wishes to marry and prevent him from seeing a friend who betrayed him years ago.
This was a painful book to read, although its saving grace was that it was short.

Pop Sugar #45: The book that's been on your TBR list for the longest amount of time

View all my reviews

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